About Me

I am a software engineer with decades of IT experiences, having worked on various projects involving different technologies, languages and platforms. I enjoy solving complex problems and creating innovative solutions. I am always eager to learn new skills (like this website built using React and Gatsby) and keep up with the latest trends in the industry. I believe that software engineering is not only a profession, but also a passion.

Below is one of my LinkedIn blog, where I shared other aspect of learning!

Checkout my other site built using Angular, by clicking here, which is hosted by GCP!

  • Username: test@test.com
  • Password: test1234

Lastly, feel free to send me your comments through this link, in which the site is currently hosted in Azure for following reasons:

  • I'm making use of Azure Functions that I created using Java programming language to receive your comments.
  • There's something I like about Azure infrastructure where I can write not only the front-end but the back-end as well.